It is difficult to quantify creativity and the term qualify depends so much on perception, culture and personal experience. What is art and what is craft? Creativity in maths is in origami, the original secret language and art of maths, still revered in Japan and in architecture but lost to our daily reasoning and calculation, therefore, we lose its beauty as a language and not as a qualification.
The arts are/is a contentious issue as more and more it is asked of what value does it offer when standing next to economic factors and science. The art of science is not discussed as much either as we quickly fall back in to empirical ways of measurement and not the beauty of science. We could discuss this all day and the potential loss of thought and discovery of new perceptions in danger of calculations and the need to measure and quantify in order to dilute any mystery.
Instead, I go to a sale, which has a science and possibly an art attached in discovery!
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